Monday, October 17, 2011

Almost Three Months Now

This coming Friday will mark three months since Sara and I had our transplant surgery.  The time has gone so quickly.  I just cannot believe it has been that long.  We are both feeling great!  I only have two lasting effects that I can really pinpoint.  One is mild tenderness to touch in the abdomen.  This is very minor and does not really bother me at all.  The second is much more concerning -- I have lost my ability to stay up really late!  Well, actually I can stay up late, but once I crawl into bed and try to read I am fast asleep quickly.  Mike has had to take my Kindle out of my hand more than once after I am zonked out!  This is a small tragedy since staying up late is a family trait that goes back many generations(well, at least as far as my grandma!).  Luckily the fine folks at UW did warn me about this before surgery, and they reassured me that I should have the ability back within 6 months to a year!  

Today I got a wonderful email from Sara.  Her creatinine level is 1.3.  She said this is the lowest it has been in 10 years!  I almost cried.  I was so happy!  UW has taken away one of her medications and decreased her lab appointments to once per week.  Big accomplishments!  Saturday night we had dinner with Craig, Sara, and Ashlyn.  Sara doesn't know this yet(although she will when she reads this!), but when she left the table to use the bathroom I asked Craig if she really feels as good as what she tells me she does.  I always worry that she won't tell me if something is wrong.  Craig told me that just the other day she told him that this is the best she can remember ever feeling.  Again...felt like crying.  Knowing that Sara's health has improved so much makes me feel so incredible.  I just love it!!  Sara is flying out to San Francisco with her friends Teri and Angie this weekend.  Teri and Angie were there with her for the surgery back in July and this trip had to be delayed from their original plan of August.  I am so glad they can now go when Sara's health is improved.  I just know they will have a great time!!

One final note: Sara's family and friends have started planning a benefit to assist Craig and Sara with expenses related to the transplant.  They do have insurance, but there are so many expenses that you don't even think of with this type of journey.  The benefit is planned for Saturday, February 4th from noon until 10 p.m. at the Junior Fair Building on the Marshfield Fairgrounds.  You are ALL invited to attend!  I will have more information about details as the event gets closer.  I also would ask that you consider whether you could donate anything to this cause.  We had a planning meeting last week and are in need of gift baskets(for silent auction), raffle prizes, baked goods, $$, and just about anything else you think would be helpful!  If you have anything you or your business would like to contribute we would gladly take it!  We would also take any volunteer help for that day!  Or, of course, you can just come as a guest and hopefully take home lots of prizes, eat a yummy meal or two, bid on fun items, and enjoy the day! You can contact me at if you have any donations or suggestions for the day.  (That is the end of my shameless plug for help :-) )

I have said it before, but it never hurts to repeat myself: God is good -- ALL THE TIME!!

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