Today my co-worker Jean was handing out Dove Chocolate Promises to each of us. She opened hers up and inside it read, "Here's to something more powerful than chocolate. Hope." Of course I asked if I could take the wrapper home since that is my word of the week! Then today I got in my car and turned on my XM Radio to the comedy channel. I pressed the button that tells me the name of the current comedian who is performing. Her first name guessed it....Hope. Next week we will hear from UW as to whether our hope of a transplant can come true. But I realized today that even if the transplant never happens, we can always have hope. Hope for a longer life, hope for a new cure for kidney disease, hope for an everlasting friendship, hope for no pain, and hope for the future...whatever it may hold.
Wednesday afternoon and again this afternoon I stopped over at Lonnie and Ginger's after work. We spent time sitting outside in lawn chairs talking. Lonnie was telling me all sorts of stories about his younger days and their early years of marriage...including a story about the teenagers who broke into the reception hall before their wedding and got into the beer! How precious it is to spend time getting to know Lonnie and Ginger better. How blessed I am.
I HOPE all goes as you all are praying for.....Lonnie and Ginger are great friends and I am honored to now be able to know you and have you as a friend and think that what you're doing is you keep saying...we haven't come all this way for nothing!!! Here's praying for good news from Chris!!!