Friday morning at work one of my technicians Terri came to me and told me she had to tell me something. She said that she never watches television in the mornings while she is getting ready for work. But Friday morning for reasons she isn't even sure of she turned on her t.v. Channel 9 news was on and they were in the middle of a story about a Marshfield Clinic employee who was donating her kidney to a friend's father! I immediately went on Channel 9's website( and looked up the story. Sure enough, Sarah Gregory, who is a Physician's Assistant, is donating her kidney to her friend Amy's dad. I e-mailed Sarah right away through our Clinic e-mail system. She e-mailed me right back telling me that she already knew of my story through Steve Thayer, our media relations specialist at the Clinic. She was planning to e-mail me after she read my blog. Then Sarah told me that her friend Amy's husband is actually an optometrist in Minnesota! Last night when I got home I had an even more amazing revelation waiting for me. In my Facebook message box I had a message from Amy Bergmann Hurley. She asked if I remembered her husband Tim from ICO where I went to optometry school. Of course I remembered Tim as he is a good friend of Troy Moats, who was a good friend of my roommate Trish! And yes, his wife Amy's dad will be receiving a kidney from Sarah. Wow!! What an unbelievable day! I couldn't even fathom the relationships which we already had within this circle -- Tim and I went to school together, Sarah and I both work for Marshfield Clinic, Amy and Tim had lived in Marshfield at one time, Tim and Troy are friends and Troy was friends with my roommate Trish -- in fact, Troy and I are also Facebook friends. Since I do not believe in coincidences, I knew this was from God! Sarah and I are hoping to get together and meet in the near future. I cannot wait to hear her story from beginning up until now!
Sarah and Amy's dad Zeke have their surgery scheduled for July 29th at Rochester Methodist Hospital(Mayo Clinic). Unfortunately Zeke had to have a hernia operation and developed an infection. On Tuesday he will have fluid drained from the site of the infection. If there is still infection there they may have to delay their surgery. I would ask that you keep them in your prayers. Not coincidentally, Tuesday was the day that Lonnie and I were originally scheduled to have our surgery -- and the day you may remember from my calendar page.
As far as we are concerned, UW called Lonnie on Friday and they are updating all of his information. I need to get my records transferred over to them and then we will start the entire process over again it sounds like. I am just happy they are willing to give our case a chance.
If you would like to read either Sarah or Zeke's CaringBridge pages, they are as follows:
You will likely not be surprised to see that the word boldly emblazoned across the top of Zeke's page is....HOPE!!
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