The last couple of days have been relatively quiet on the information front. On Wednesday our nephrologist was able to repeat the test I needed done. The results are still "abnormally normal". What I mean by that is this -- if I was just having a routine physical they would tell me the results are fine, but since I am donating a kidney they like results to be perfect, as opposed to just "fine". So, the nephrologist at Froedtert needs to review the results and see if he feels we need to do any more testing. I was hoping to hear about that yet this week, but that did not happen. I guess I need to just be patient! I just cannot wait to have this thing scheduled. But these things take time...and good things come to those who wait...and patience is a virtue...and all that other junk they say to make people like me more patient!
I did receive a phone call today from my donor advocate. She is a chaplain at Froedtert Hospital. Her name is Sue. Sue is there to be my guide, answer my questions, and make me feel at ease throughout the entire process from now until well after the donation is complete. Today she just wanted to introduce herself, get some background information on me, and probably make sure I am not crazy. They seem to spend a lot of time making sure I am not crazy. I guess that is good....right??
I never thought I would be so happy to be starting a long weekend and be so ready to be ending my long weekend at the same time. Next week I will maybe have more answers! Until then, please take a minute to say a prayer for Lonnie as he will start dialysis next week. I am praying his dialysis days will be very short-lived!
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