Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to Reality

Tomorrow it will be 6 weeks since Sara and I had surgery.  That milestone is exciting, but it also means I have to go back to work!  Fortunately, I do love my job so the thought of going back is probably worse than actually going back.  Tomorrow also marks an important day for our kids -- back to school!  Josh will be in 7th grade at Alexander Middle School.  As much as he would prefer not having to go to the actual classes, he does love the social aspect of school.  Isaiah will be in 4th grade so this is his first year at AMS.  He is looking forward to getting out of the elementary school and into the big school.  Mike decided before my surgery that his new job was not what he was looking for so he called his former boss at UMR and asked if they would take him back.  Jeff(his boss) was thrilled to hear he wanted to come back and they are welcoming him with open arms.  Fortunately being in between jobs allowed him to take the past 6 weeks off with me and the kids.  I must say that the time we all spent together in these past several weeks was just priceless.  Last week I asked each of my kids separately if they were glad that their dad and I both got to be with them so much this summer.  They each said "yes, it was great!".  I am so thankful that they still enjoy being with us!

Today Sara went to UW to have a routine biopsy and blood work done.  The biopsy showed NO signs of rejection by the kidney!  Wonderful news indeed!  As soon as they get the lab results back she will hopefully be able to have some of her medications decreased.  Poor girl takes a small meal's worth of medications every day.  She knows it is just what she has to do, but I am quite sure it gets old very quickly!  The other super news is that Sara was able to have her dialysis line removed the week before last!  That line created so many headaches for her and I am so thankful that the doctors are confident that she will no longer need it.

So this is it -- the "end" of my recovery.  For the most part I feel really good.  Of course I have been whining to Mike that it seems like my abdominal swelling is never going to go away.  So he asked me the other day, "What if they told you before surgery that you would always have a bit more of a stomach than you originally did?  Would you still have done it?"  Great perspective smart husband of mine!  That is a no-brainer for me.  YES!  Of course I would have still done it.  What I am complaining about now is so minimal compared to what Sara has gone through.  Physical changes are so minor when you have your health!

Feeling unbelievably blessed!!


Monday, August 15, 2011

Surgical Follow-Up

Last Wednesday, Mike, the boys, and I took a trip down to Madison for my first surgical follow-up appointment.  We left early so we could stop at Dick's Sporting Goods to shop for football gear.  After having lunch at TGI Fridays, we headed over to UW.  First I had to have lab tests and then I went down to the transplant clinic to meet with Dr. Bellingham.  After coming in the room and asking how I was doing she immediately asked about Sara.  She was very pleased to hear that we are both doing so well.  Dr. Bellingham removed the 2 extra stitches I had done the day I left the hospital and then basically just took time to talk to me.  I have great respect and admiration for her and all of the doctors and nurses at UW Hospital.  They have been simply wonderful to me throughout this entire process and I cannot say enough good about what they do!  My lab results were given to me by the nurse before I left my appointment.  They had warned me that my creatinine would go up after surgery due to the right kidney having to take over and do all of the work.  Ideally the creatinine should be under 1.0.  Before surgery mine was 0.76.  The day after my surgery it was 1.26.  And last Wednesday it was back down to 1.06!  That was great news.  My hematocrit and blood sugar were running low, but they were not concerned about that at this point.  Dr. Bellingham told me to come back in 6 months, which surprised me since they had originally told me 4 months.  So I made an appointment for February.  The next day, my coordinator Chris called to tell me she was sorry she missed me when I was down there.  Then she told me that I actually DO need to come back in 4 months and that I should never listen to the surgeon -- ha!  Of course she was kidding.  It turns out that health-wise it would be no problem at all to be seen back in 6 months.  However, due to the strict governing of transplant centers, there are two national agencies which require follow-up reports on the donor after surgery.  One asks for a report at 6 months, but the other one wants it at 4 months!  So, Chris had my appointment changed to December, which will also allow me to finish up my Christmas shopping in Madison :-)

Most days I really feel pretty good!  I have been able to get back to doing some fun things and getting out of the house.  Sometimes I get very tired, but they warned me that I should expect that.  I also am waiting for my belly to go back to normal size, but I am fitting in most of my clothes so I guess I am on the right track!  It has been really great to spend time with Mike and the boys while I am recovering.  We are all going to be in for a shock when we resume school and work! 

Sara continues to do great!  Her creatinine today was 1.5.  It has continued to drop, which is awesome!  Tomorrow she goes to Madison for her follow-up appointment.  I am anxious to see what they have to say.  Hopefully they will allow her to finally have her dialysis catheter removed for good!  Friday I had lunch with Sara, her mom Carol, her sister Carrie, and her nephew Seth.  It was the first time I saw her since I left the hospital.  She looks amazing!!  When I look at her I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this journey of faith had purpose.  It is incredible that God knew what that purpose was all along, and that He would eventually bring Sara and I together and place His hand of grace and protection over us.  It's truly an amazing feeling!

I have had several people tell me that I should turn my writings into a book.  I would love to consider that, but my biggest fear is that nobody would read it -- and also that I have no clue how to start writing a book!  But the other thing I would love to do is speak about my journey.  Not sure where I will start or if anyone even wants to listen, but for now I am hoping and praying for an opportunity to line something up. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

On The Mend!

It has been two weeks today since I came home from the hospital and I can say that I am feeling much better than I did that day!  My biggest hurdle has been the gas pains that I have continued to have.  Apparently most people do not have them this long, but I just had to be different!  In the last two days, however, those seem to be resolving and I am feeling much better.  Yesterday was my first big outing.  Josh played in a basketball tournament in Wisconsin Dells, so we left here about 1:00 p.m.  We went out to eat afterwards with our friends, the Lancours, and did not get back home until 9:00 p.m.  That was a big trip for me!  But I thank God that I felt relatively good all day long.  It really was great to be out and about again.

Sara and Colleen Belle(the kidney) are both doing wonderful!  Sara has her creatinine levels checked every other day.  This number is significant in determining if Colleen is doing her job.  Ideally they would like to see it be 1.9 or lower.  Sara's went as high as 4.8 after surgery, but now has dropped to 2.7!  We are very optimistic and truly believe that this number will continue to drop.  Sara is moving slowly like me, but sometimes she is putting me to shame with the stuff she is doing -- even cleaning out her daughter Ashlyn's closet and drawers!  I told her she is welcome to do that stuff, but she cannot tell me about it.  Makes me feel much too lazy :-)  We are hoping to get together later this week.  I have not seen her since the day I came home from the hospital so I am anxious to see her smiling face!

Wednesday I will take a trip down to UW to see Dr. Bellingham.  Hopefully she is happy with my progress and I won't have to see her back for 4 months.  I figure if I time it just right I can hopefully get some Christmas shopping done in Madison the day of my 4 month check-up!

My friend Jenny wrote to me yesterday and at the end of her message she said, "I still can't believe you donated a kidney".  I realized at that moment that I can't believe it either.  Other than the fact that I am obviously recovering from a surgery, I do not miss my kidney at all.  There is absolutely no change in my health or daily functioning that would suggest I only have one kidney in use.  That is simply amazing to me.  The fact that they can remove a body organ and you can go on as if nothing has changed is pretty remarkable.      As I have wondered out loud before, "why do we even have two??".

I continue to be humbled by the unbelievable support I have received from my husband, kids, extended family, friends, Sara's family, acquaintances, and total strangers.  People are so good.  My house has been filled with beautiful flowers, delicious foods, and awesome cards from so many.  I cannot even begin to say thank you to everyone!!